Resource for Buying & Selling Podcasts
Are you ready to buy a podcast with an established audience or are you thinking about selling your existing show? We’ve got the resources you need to successfully accomplish both!
Unveiling the secrets of selling a podcast: An interview with Heather Osgood
Are you thinking about selling your podcast but unsure where to start? I sat down with Sam Brake Guia, the host of Mics to Millions and Co-founder of PodWritten, to dive deep into the process. From evaluating the worth of your show to finalizing the sale, I share valuable insights on how to successfully sell your podcast.
Are there risks involved with selling your podcast?
Selling your podcast can be a great business decision that breathes new life into your show. But your podcast is a business, and as with any business deal, there are risks involved.
Are there any risks involved with buying a podcast?
Buying a podcast is a great business decision. It’s a great way to boost your income, dip your toes into hosting a podcast, or build out a network. But with every business decision, it’s not without risks.
Keep reading to educate yourself on the potential risks of buying a podcast and prepare for any bumps in the road.
How long does it take to sell a podcast?
You’ve made the decision - it’s time to sell your podcast.
This is an exciting but bittersweet moment that you’ve worked hard to achieve, but the work isn’t done. Instead, it might be several months before the deal is closed.
Evaluating Potential Buyers
So you’ve taken the first step to selling your podcast - that’s great news! Selling your show can be the first step in giving it a new life.
But now that you’re starting to get offers from buyers, how do you determine which one is the right one for you?
Building A Network By Purchasing Podcasts
Buying podcasts is still a relatively new idea, and it can be daunting if you’re unsure about what you’re getting into. But if you ask us, growing your network through purchasing podcasts is one of the best ways to grow.
Keep reading to learn our top four reasons why you should be growing your network by buying podcasts.
Determine The Value of Your Podcast
So you want to sell your podcast - that’s great! The first thing you have to do is determine its value. Keep reading to learn the three primary variables to consider when determining your podcast's value.
How Do You Buy A Podcast?
One of the most common questions we get asked is, “Why would I want to buy a podcast?”
And our answer to that is, “Why wouldn’t you?”
The opportunities that come from purchasing a podcast are endless. So, let’s talk about how to get started.
3 Signs It’s Time to Sell Your Podcast
If you’ve stumbled across this article, chances are you’ve been dealing with a nagging feeling that it might be time to quit your podcast.
But what if there was a second option?
Don’t let your podcast become one of hundreds of dead podcasts. Keep reading to learn if selling is right for you.
How Do I Know If My Podcast Is Ready to Be Sold?
Thinking about selling your podcast? Learn what you need to know if you’re considering selling your show.
Purchase a Podcast to Grow Your Audience
When trying to establish yourself as an authority you should consider purchasing a podcast to grow your audience. In this post, we share how to do just that.
How to Purchase Podcast Thought Leadership
Podcasts are an ideal medium to establish thought leadership. Did you know you can purchase this thought leadership, and bypass the work and dedication most people put into it?
How to Transition a Podcast From One Host to Another
Once you have decided to sell your show, now it’s time to transfer ownership. In this post, we’ll share how to transition a podcast from one host to another.